Sprite sheet improvement.
For import, added margin, padding, and an option to choose how to split the sprite sheet.
Imported sprite sheets are now externally synchronized. It means, like other resources, if you modify the sprite sheet image in another program, the changes will be reflected in your project.
For export, added margin, padding, and the possibility to create a JSON data file with frames information and other metadata (similar to Aseprite one). Link to the asset used in the screenshots
For export, added an option to combine all the animations into one file. (available for sprite sheet and gif)
Added paste image from clipboard support for Linux (already implemented for the other OS).
Bug fixes
Fixed crash when copying a resource in its subresource.
Fixed pan gesture speed for Mac.
Post-process material was badly rendered for Mac. So it is temporarily disabled (for this OS only) and there is now a warning message saying some material properties are unavailable.