- NPCs no longer gain experience while fulfilling orders for crafting and upgrades, they continue to progress during history simulation. - Changed True Damage amplifier icon. - Increased the size of starvation/dehydration on resource bars to be more visible. - Added Cotton Cloth to level 1 Tailoring.
- Fixed a few random special location crashes related to missing maps. - Fixed Ogre and Ice Witch's corpse salvaging always to provide a single bone. - Replaced Raw Leather with Plain Leather production in the Ranch buildings and reduced Raw Leather value to 0 to avoid spawning it in treasure chests. - Fixed map offset in World Generation Screen to allow seeing east and north edge tiles while zoomed. - Pond and Muddy Water cause the Wet effect when walking into them. - Removed entities who don't offer training options from "Ask for trainers" lookup. - Fixed scrolling in the Equipment Screen to show Holy Resistances. - Fire Beetle Shell is stackable. - Fixed an issue where walls would generate where they shouldn't. - Fixed entrances to Mountain Maze. - Fixed an issue related to cobwebs that would cause an inability to turn around after the immobilize effect ended. - Fixed a case where a family split during history simulation would cause the player character's surname to change. - Enemies that vanish also hide their health bar. - Enemies with throwing weapons now use them more often. - Fixed an issue that could cause stackable liquids like Milk to have reduced capacity to 0. - Fixed ponds sometimes spawning on top of collidable tiles.